Tuesday, June 12, 2007

7 Facts about me

1. When I grew up I always had the suspicion that I would one day become famous. I still do.

2. I did childrens theater when I was younger. I've played Abraham Lincoln, Paul Bunyan and and Evil Jackrabbit that was the Bane of the Cabbage Patch kids. I blame my agent.

3. I often find websites of celebrities to see if they will respond to my email. So far I've only been able to exchange emails with the Pace Picante guy.

4. Three age group swimmers that I helped coach before they were teens are now state record holders in Arkansas.

5. I can rock 6 degrees of seperation with Kevin Bacon using my little known Dan Hedaya move.

6. I've written movie screenplay but will probably never submit it.

7. I once had a surreal conversation in my gym locker room while talking to a world famous comedian while we were both naked and getting dressed.


Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

5. I can rock 6 degrees of seperation with Kevin Bacon using my little known Dan Hedaya move.


As for the crazy girl from before....good luck!!!

10:58 AM  

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