Sunday, April 01, 2007

Disaster...and Redemption...

Well I hit my first "Ahhhh shit!!" moment in my couch to 5k program. On Wednesday and Thursday I tried running on the treadmill and my calves tightened up. I mean we're talking steel poles tight. I couldn't run more than about 30 seconds before I felt like they were on fire. I've stretched like I should, eaten banannas, taken my vitamins, my glucosamine, etc and all of sudden I feel like everything is about to come to a streaking halt. So I read up on a few articles, did some alternate exercises and more importantly...rested.

So today I decided to kick the treadmill to the curb and get outside. I ran my old route from this summer and did incredible. As I told you before I was at the 90 seconds run/2 minute walk week of the program and today I decided I wanted to just push my limits a bit. So I did 3 minutes of running and 3 minutes of walking. The first half of that felt great, the last half of it I was dragging but I did it. That's right I just kept my feet moving, evened out my gait and kept the pace and conditioning going. I'm sure I looked like I was dying to everyone that could see me but I actually felt great. Also impoved my 1.5 mile time from 29 minutes down to 24 minutes and 10 seconds. Also calculated my best run/walk mile at 15:56 so I'm confident that once I'm running the whole time I can drop that by at least 1-2 minutes before I'm done. My goal in the next two weeks is to try and do a run/walk 5k and just see what my time is. My goal starting this was just to be able to get it under one hour. So I'm hoping that's still a possibility. I think so.

My weight has gone from about 225 lbs from my highest weight in March down to about 214 lbs as of today. I'm incredibly happy about that, but overall the improvements I'm seeing all over.


Blogger Jen said...


4:45 PM  
Blogger chantal2bfit said...

Awesome job on the weight loss! As for the C25K, take it slow in the beginning. Run/walk at a comfortable pace without pushing yourself too hard. Speed will come later before you know it. Also, don't neglect your LBWO. You need to strengthen the muscles that support the joints. And stretch, stretch, stretch! Good luck! You're doing great!

7:10 PM  
Blogger carolakabb said...

great job! My alarm was set for 5:45 am today to get up and start the same thing... well I didn't know it would be dark then... so that went out the window. Will have to stick to after kids go to school and unfortunately today I have a meeting so it will have to wait for wed.

4:36 AM  
Blogger FV Tom said...

Nice work, J! You'll be at a world record pace in no time!

Good luck tonight. 25 pushups?

My son and I are going to Tuesday night's game. It's Tim Salmon bobblehead night!

8:33 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Way to GO Jeremy! & Keep STRETCHING!

9:44 AM  
Blogger Alex Trenoweth said...

Blimey! You're blogging again!! Good stuff!



3:12 AM  
Blogger FV Tom said...

Somebody owes me 50 pushups, mister. Unless you want to go double or nothing on today's game. It starts at 12.30pm out here.

10:10 AM  

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