Thursday, April 27, 2006

Last Day...part 1

Well I'm at work and they decided to have a potluck lunch instead of a dinner so I don't know if that means I'll be gone sooner rather than later as the day goes on or not. It's been emotional as another person put in their notice today and we have another member of the team that's leaving for another position in the company. My manager was reading a poem about changes and broke down into tears which was pretty tough to take. So far it's been pretty emotional but up beat. I brought my camera and took some pictures so those should be up sometime soon. I'll give more of a run down later on.


Blogger FV Tom said...

Is it all over?

3:04 PM  
Blogger carolakabb said...

he broke down in tears while reading or while bending over after you kicked him in the donkey balls ?

6:38 PM  

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