Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter

Okay folks just finished up all the Harry Potter (including HP7) and additionally a rough week schedule wise at work so I'm hoping to be back to normal this week in both updates and working out.

Carol you asked what I thought about the HP5 Movie about a week ago and I'll say that I thought it was pretty good considering the amount of storyline they had to trim to make it into a 2+ hour movie. I was unhappy with so many of the omissions (The centaur teacher, Harry Potter getting back at the ministry with Rita Skeeters Quibbler Article, no mention of the prefects badges or Ron's amazing Qudditch Cup winning performance) however, they did what they had to do to stay on target for the last two books. Still...I felt a little cheated on some parts to be honest.

Now as for my views on book 7 I'll just say you'll have to message me on my blends and get my personal views...I'm respecting JK Rowlings wish that we give everyone enough time to read Book 7 before spilling any beans or plot points!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you thank you. I haven't even picked up the book yet. I know, what kinda fan AM I? (Um...a busy one...) I'm childfree this week so guess what I'M doing? :-D

5:26 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Let me preface my response by saying that truly, I do not live in a cave, I do venture out, I do have a life...however...all that being said, I have to admit that....

I have not read any of the HP books or seen any of the movies. My kids have seen/read them all but for some reason I just never did.

Please don't hate me lol.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

suzanne ..we'll forgive you.. look at you strange ..but forgive.
Jeremy I totally agree about the movie.. but as you say.. with only 2 1/2 hrs what could you do?

3:23 PM  

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