New Year Fun
I figured I'd start the New Year off with a new post. I've fallen off the running bandwagon since I came back from vacation in September but I'm mentally a lot healthier after some goal setting which I did over the Holidays. I'll talk about the goals in a later post but suffice to say I think it's exciting to have something big to look forward to. Right now I'm cleaning out the apartment again and I'm amazed at how much stuff I still can get rid of. Amazing a lot of stuff I'm getting rid bins lol. I've got rid of so much stuff last year...I just never got rid of the stuff I kept that stuff in. Some of it will be thrown away, the rest I've find an interesting use for in the kitchen. Still it will be nice to get some of this stuff out of my way! Hope everyone had a happy holiday, a great new year and are on track to stay with their resolutions!