Okay folks I've sent an email to the webmaster for the tracker asking for 3 of the following things to happen:
1. Jump in and moderate/cleanup the site
2. Allow some of us to help moderate the site
3. Allow me to make an offer to buy the site kit kat and kaboodle and run it myself.
Now I think we've all done a great job trying to self moderate the site. I'm just taking some extra steps and offering MORE incentive to keep it up and running in a way that works for everyone. If anyone wants to help out in this venture either financially or to volunteer as a moderator please let me know!
Below is the email I sent:
First and foremost I want to commend you on the the Body for Life Tracker website.
If I had not found this forum I never would have saved my life by sticking with
the body for life program. I think you from the bottom of my heart for creating
this incredibly helpful site. That being said I would like to make some suggestions
and hopefully provide some realistic solutions. I'm not sure if you're aware of
the problems we are experiencing on the bodyforlife-tracker website but I would
like to bring them to your attention and additionally provide a few constructive
ideas to make it a better place for everyone.
The Problems:
1. Too little moderator activity and intervention when topics and threads are getting
out of control causing people to leave.
2. Apparently there are rumors of people requesting nude pictures via Private Message.
I'm not sure if you've been made aware of this but I believe this is a violation
of the Code of Conduct and requires immediate intervention.
3. The tracker seems to be getting stale and lots of people are complaining about
the tools and lack of functionality that they are finding on other websites.
4. Paying members are extremely frustrated at the lack of response from the webmaster
and feel that their money is being wasted.
The Solutions:
1. Start answering the emails or post a new thread telling us your plans for the
tracker and begin addressing concerns that people have.
2. I would volunteer my time as a moderator for threads as well as helping maintain
the site, up to and possible including financial responsibility of some kind if
you're feeling overwhelmed or not interested in doing it yourself.
3. Ask members what tools they use and what tools they would like to see. Check
with your users to find out what you can do to make the tracker better.
4. Finally if you are interested, I would like to ask you would be interested in
selling the domain name and rights, etc to www.bodyforlife-tracker.com to an interested
party that would run, update and maintain the site.
As a person with a technical job myself and a social life to maintain I understand
that you more than likely started this site to help people with their Body for Life
programs as a means of support. Perhaps you've come under financial hardships, you've
stopped the program and don't find any passion in updating the website or simply
you just don't have the time and you're not sure what to do about it. Well we love
the tracker and a number of us are willing to help you out with any of the 4 solutions
I've presented. I would appreciate any ideas you have and would certainly be willing
to help you out in any way possible.